Tanbull: The business of throwing stones at law enforcement officers must stop with Kawempe bi election

AKAMPA Tanbull
ONC Cordinator
Kigezi Region
[email protected]

Well, as days towards Kawempe elections day are getting closer, the scenes of violence witnessed in Kawempe a few days ago must stop in this bi election.

The urgly scenes of people dressed in National Unity Platform (NUP) red attires throwing stones at law enforcement officers was really too primitive!
Even when the intentions were to annoy, incite security officers to get out of order and open a battlefied at these youth/gangs, the operatives had to act professionally and pull back!
KUDOs the those who were commanding this deployment otherwise, it would have been bloody scenes with dead bodies!

NUP supporters must always follow lawfull orders from the ĺaw enforcement officers and must always avoid confrontational situations that promote violence in any election or community so as to have a peaceful environment/communities for all of us as Ugandans to live and work from.

Perhaps there is a spècial kind of weed N̈UP supporters use?!!!

Where do NUP supporters get the audacity to throw stones at officers holding gun̈s? Is this man or woman aware of what is likely to happen in the events that an officer is hit? Do these boys and girls know that the security officers are human beings and have blood flowing in their veins like them?

NUP supporters do not have to ferry people from Masaka, Jinja or Mukono to Kawempe in order to prove a point of popularity! It is instead baçkwardness and cowardice!

Let tĥe people of Kawempe campaign the way they want to campaign without outsiders, non voters creating chaos in̈ tĥe community.

This nonsense of attacking law enforcement officers must be stopped and violence or subversiveness by some opposition groups must also stop before 2025/2026 general elections.

Every sane Ugandan must stand up and denounce violence and uphold the principles of democracy especially the free and fair elections.

Ferrying gangs to disorganise people’s businesses in the name of getting media an̈d international community attention must also be stopped, these gangs cause harvoc, destroy people’s businesses and promote violence.

We all want a violence free and peaceful 2025/2026 general election, we must put aside our political shades as Ugandans and isolate any group/political party/individuals that promote/s violence during elections.

We must collaborate with security and abide by lawfull orders so as to achieve a peaceful Country Uganda during and even after elections.
Violence frightens the investment environment which leads to capital flights awaÿ from our economy, which widens/worsens employment gaps in our Country Uganda as well our forex earnings are threatened.

We should all look towards a Uganda, as a land of dreams, where all individuals will succeed in their life endvours.

Every human life matters!

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